Friday, February 21, 2020

Who knew?

"What is the Grief Recovery Method?
The Grief Recovery Method is an action plan. It is a series of small steps that when taken, in order, by the griever it leads to the completion of all the unresolved business linked to the loss."   (copied from the internet)
     Often I've been known to say "There's a method to my madness."  But, I did not know that there was a "Grief Recovery Method" which one can take, from the "Grief Recovery Institute."  There is also a way to become a certified grief counselor.  My suspicions arise a bit when they promise "the completion of all the unresolved business linked to the loss."
 What would that look, or feel, like?...completing all the unresolved business linked to the loss?  While I understand all the words in that phrase I don't understand that kind of completion.
    With Joanne's move into home hospice, and subsequent death 21 days later, I plunged into deep grief. My method? Feel what I feel and articulate those feelings, which created an online community giving me support as I learned to navigate the land of grief. Have I completed all of the unresolved business linked to the loss? No, and I don't expect I ever will. For what has been resolved I'm grateful and, for what has not,I'm learning to live with it.
Takk for alt,


The dinning room at the Christian Guesthouse.

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