Sunday, March 3, 2019

3/3/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — a minute ago
Have you ever heard of the old way of differentiating between psychosis and neurosis?  It goes like this, "A psychotic is not able to recognize reality.  On the other hand,  a neurotic can distinguish reality, it just makes him/her angry."  By that definition I may have some neurotic tendencies. 
    It's not that reality makes me so angry, it's more that I'm disappointed. It's the little reminders that pop up, that the loss of Joanne is real, permanent and irreversible that stings.  Everyday there is something I'd like to tell's the reality of the finality that I don't like.  My reaction is not so much anger as disappointment. 
    Adjusting to the dramatic change in weather returning from Thailand has been easier than what I expected.  While I was still in Thailand and hearing about the cold and snow, I anticipated a hard adjustment.  Cold and snow are not my favorites but once I arrived it just seems normal.  Having lived my life in this latitude it strikes me as simply winter and this, too, shall pass.  Spoiled by my life in a condo the hardest part is dressing like Nanook of the North just to go outside, which does get monotonous.  
     Changing the subject to Australia: There were a couple of small things which I observed that just seemed like the uncommon common sense.  ATMs in Australia will not dispense cash until the user
has retrieved his/her card.  Therefore, there's no danger of forgetting your card in the machine, which I've been known to do.  At restaurants there are bottles filled with tap water to be used as drinking water at your table.  There's no need to ask for water nor is there the waste of energy in making ice cubes.
     I'm keen to return to school tomorrow.


Pictures: 1. Thai students, grade 3, 2. American students grade 5, 3. game time, 4. lottery ticket seller, they're ubiquitous in Bangkok, 5. I will miss the student teachers next year 

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