Monday, March 18, 2019

3/18/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — 15 minutes ago
     "It's all about me of course!"  Well, no, not really but yesterday I fell into the trap of thinking of myself when I was writing the blog.  When I wrote 'responsibility for a living a healthy lifestyle rests with us' I was assuming life from the privileged position I occupy.  Exercising and eating a healthy diet, at least trying, are easy for me.  That was a very shallow perspective and not well thought out.
Here is a much deeper response to that facile statement.
"...- we’ve done a lot of work in ISAIAH over the past several years helping to challenge exactly the logic underlying this statement: 
Responsibility for living a healthy lifestyle rests with us.
"This makes health into an individual responsibility when really we know so much of what creates health or illness is related to the social determinants of health — things like what circumstances you were born into (economic, racial, social etc), what opportunities you have open to you, and investments that are made in you (or conversely, barriers put in front of you) by the community and society you live in.
"This is a hugely important point as the narrative logic underlying these beliefs are used to justify policy and investment decisions that have far reaching impacts - I hope you’ll meditate on and address it in a future post."   signed L

Yes, meditate on it I will, and here, in your own words is a helpful reflection and caution.  Thank you!
It also serves as a reminder of how blessed I am.



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