Saturday, June 29, 2019

6/29/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — a minute ago
Okay, I admit it, that title is a bit over the top.  Perhaps eulogies are not the place to enumerate the deceased's sins.  Disclaimer here: I wrote the eulogy for Joanne and if anyone would like a copy I can email it.  There is one eulogy that I remember for its honesty in holding the deceased accountable.  It was given by a friend at a mutual friend's funeral.  In the eulogy the speaker mentioned his disappointment that the deceased was not wearing his seat belt when his wife fell asleep at the wheel.  
    Most of the eulogies I have heard have been long on the deceased positive qualities...sometimes to the point that the dead person is unrecognizable.  Perhaps it's a good thing to put the departed's best foot forward.  However, being the truth teller that I am, it may be permissible to say things like "I regret _________'s two pack a day smoking habit" or "I wish ___________ would not have smoked pot before getting behind the wheel."   Okay, okay, I know that i may be coming off as the curmudgeon that I am.  All of this diatribe was prompted by this poem in today's Writer's Almanac.
A Question
by Gary Johnson
"His wife said, "Please be careful," and he smiled patiently
And said, "Hey, don't worry about me."
And he buckled right in with a confident grin
And his screwdriver touched a live wire.
And he let out a cry and proceeded to die
In a shower of sparks and fire.
And the people who gave the eulogy
Spoke of honor and love and ambition.
They spoke well of the dead, and nobody said,
"Why didn't he call an electrician"
Might it be good to have a bit of truth in advertising?

Takk for alt,

PS  I washed all the condo windows today without Joanne to hold the ladder or point out spots I missed. 😀 

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