Monday, October 10, 2022

Old dog, new trick.


I can’t remember when I took over grocery shopping duties. Joanne never liked it and I didn’t mind. She’d do the shopping list and I’d go to the store. Early in this division, and long before cell phones, I got to the store and looked at the list. One item jumped out at me; “jello”. Have you ever contemplated how many varieties of jello laden the shelves at a grocery store? I returned home after shopping and sanctimoniously announced, “The difference between success and failure in any endeavor is the difference between general and specific objectives.” ‘Jello’ is general ‘strawberry, sugarless jello is specific.’

On January 7, 2021 I moved into the OHF. Previous grocery stores are a bit far away. Lunds/Byerlys has met my needs. There was one in Highland Village, not far from the OHF. So over these months the process of learning a new store was accomplished. All for naught!

Sunday’s Minneapolis paper had a large article about the Highland Park, Lunds/Beyerlys closing. It closed because a new, super one was opening a block away. Today, in a bit of a hurry because Kaia had been alone in the apartment a long time, I ventured into the new one. While it is way bigger than any store needs to be, it went quite well. The layout is logical and aisles well marked. There were some loopdeloops and back tracking but there is hope of mastering it. Perhaps the old dog will learn a new trick.

Takk for alt,


          Today's balcony picture from the OFH.

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