Saturday, October 1, 2022

Harvest weather!

It’s perfect fall weather for harvest. Many years it’s been wet with rain and sometimes even snow. Combines would get stuck in the mud. Many days too wet to harvest soybeans. Corn so wet it needed drying before it could be stored safely.

If corn doesn’t need to be bin dried it saves much money. That would be especially true this year with fuel prices high. Dryers use propane gas for heat. The local price is in the range of $2.40 per gallon which is much above average. Farmers likely have contracted earlier for a lower price. If the corn is dry enough to put in the bin without artificial drying it would be large money savings. Drying the corn with propane also reduces the quality of the corn.

Now that the rain has held off this long perhaps it’s best if it waits until after harvest. Then some slow, long, significant rains would be helpful.

Takk for alt,


This is an unsual, antique corn picker, seen at the Mt. Pleasant, IA, farm show,. It has two elevators to deposit the ear corn into the wagon. All the others I've ever seen have only one elevator.

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