Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"Grief touches grief"

    That was Joanne’s comment about grief that ‘grief touches grief’. She was correct about grief accumulating. That aphorism came to mind yesterday when two grief messages arrived. The first came via Facebook when Paul Rogers posted this..

.For the last year or so an unpleasant pattern has developed. I neglect things I normally do and enjoy, like Facebook. It started slowly following surgery for cancer. During that time there has been no evidence of the cancer as well as no Facebook activity. That has changed.

Cancer re-emerged with vengeance, putting me on palliative care for the 6-12 months of life remaining.

So now Cam and I are cherishing each day as a gift. Our standard breakfast table prayer for most of our marriage has become a description of our outlook:

"This is the day which the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

We do rejoice and are glad in it.”

      Paul and I were college classmates at Augustana. He was a year behind me at seminary and, if I remember correctly, he spent the year after college in Germany. Our paths crossed many times over the years. He’s primary care giver for his wife, Cam, who had a severe stroke some years ago. The intended coffee meetings proposed did not happen and that makes me sad but mostly sad about his situation. Joanne knew him well from her work at Augustana and I grieve not being able to commiserate with her.

     Last night cousin Helen called with more grief news. She was calling on behalf of mutual cousin Louise to report that Louise’ daughter, Mary, ca. age 60, is in hospice. Mary’s hip broke some weeks ago and revealed a tumor. Louise and Joanne grew up as neighbors in St. Paul. They were friends long before I met Joanne. Again, I grieve for Mary and her family, and not being able to commiserate with Joanne.

Indeed “grief touches grief.”

Takk for alt,


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