Tuesday, February 16, 2021


        Celebrating birthdays is fun, even via Facetime, but.... Joanne loved birthdays. Coming from a family that noted birthdays but didn't make a big deal of them it took me awhile to recognize Joanne's values about those celebrations. Now, in the almost three years since Joanne's death, birthday celebrations are always a reminder of the presence of absence. S turned 9, today! Celebrating with her was delight even though at a distance. It is such a joy to see who she is today as she grows and develops. It delights me that she is an avid reader!

     It is the presence of absence that causes sorrow around all of that growth Joanne has missed. She took great delight in her granddaughters. Then, too, S has missed three years of her grandmother. Joanne's physical limitations didn't allow her to get on the floor to play with the girls. In the girls house is a stool on castors. All of us who saw it cannot forget Joanne sitting on that stool to play with them. S was a baby when her family moved to their current house. Joanne's job on moving day was to hold S, another picture indelible in my mind.  Joy and sorrow certainly mix in the land of grief. 

Takk for alt,


Another Pickles strip from today's paper, just for fun and, in honor of my sister-in-law who makes awesome apple pie.

1 comment:

Marilyn Sharpe said...

What a touching time of remembrance, Al. I feel both your joy and heartache.
In this time of pandemic, 11 months now, we have been doing daily childcare for our beloved newest grandchild, adopted at birth by our daughter, Kathryn, a single mother by choice. What a gift in our 70's to have a new grandchild, who loves us wholeheartedly, as we love him. Each day is gift.
Blessings on your journey, Al,