Saturday, December 19, 2020

Outstanding book!

     Julie Kip-Williams was born blind in Vietnam about the time the war ended. Her family was allowed to leave the country because they are ethnically Chinese and Vietnamese authorities wanted them out. They made their escape on overcrowded boat to Hong Kong and then to America. In America the cataracts on her eyes were surgically removed giving her 20/300 vision in one eye and 20/400 in the other...legally blind. In spite of this she graduated from Harvard Law School, travelled the world alone, married and birthed two daughters.

    At age 36 she was diagnosed with stage 4, metastatic, colon cancer. Shortly after diagnosis in 2013, she began writing a diary/memoir which she continued until shortly before her death in 2018. One of her motivations was to leave a written record of her life for her young daughters. She wrote this about the purpose of the book.

    "To the degree that my book speaks truth about not just the cancer experience but the human experience in general, I want people to be able to find themselves in the writing. And in so doing, I want them to realize that they never have been and never will be alone in their suffering....I want them to find within the rich, twisted, and convoluted details of my life truth and wisdom that will bolster and comfort them through their joys and sorrows, laughter and tears."  P. 307 The Unwinding of the Miracle: A MEMOIR OF LIFE, DEATH AND EVERYTHING THAT COMES AFTER,  Julie Yip-Williams

    Yip-Williams decided from first diagnosis to be honest, and she is brutally so about her struggles, doubts, fears and grief. This amazing woman takes us through the reality of her will to live, treatments, trials and decisions. She steadfastly refused to allow herself denial.

      She died in her home in Brooklyn New York with family and friends by her side on March 19, 2018, her husband Joshua Williams tells us in the Epilogue. One month and six days later Joanne died in her home surrounded by her family. Naturally reading this awakened my grief over Joanne's death. Yet, for the wisdom, insight and opportunity to travel the journey with Yip-Williams it was well worth it.

Takk for alt


One of my favorite pictures...see the Christmas pictures on the window.

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