Wednesday, August 29, 2018

9/24/2018 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — Aug 24, 2018
    It was a another one of those delightful evenings with my granddaughters and family.  Entertaining 6 & 9 years old children does not come naturally to me. But M-E and S, take me as I am, and it is special for me just to be with them.  S always asked for a cough drop from Grandma and I've continued the tradition of having one for her.  Tonight after dinner S quietly walked over, put her hand in my pocket and found her cough drop.
     After dinner Joanne would perch on small, low, rolling stool where she could reach the floor and play games with the girls. The vision of her perched on that stool is an enduring image in my mind.  It just seems so unfair!  It is unfair to M-E, and S, that they are robbed of the grandma who loved them so, while they are so young.  Not only that, it is also so unfair to Joanne that she had to leave then at their age.  They've already grown and changed in the four months since Joanne died, with so much more to come. This is one of the points at which my grief is the most raw...grandma and granddaughters separated.



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