Thursday, March 10, 2022


      It seemed daunting at first, to hear that seven weeks of radiation was prescribed, actually seven and a half weeks...38 times. WOW! That seemed like a lot! Then, upon reflection, it took on a different aspect. Knowing how fast time flies it occurred that this will be no different. Once one starts, gets in the routine,  quickly the time will pass. That's exactly what happened and today I had my 38th and final treatment.😀 All of this with virtually no side effects. 

    At the risk of being redundant let me enumerate that for which I have to be grateful. Think of the medical science that has developed to identify prostate cancer. That is a great gift. Now medical science is able to treat that cancer when it has been identified at an early stage. That's a huge gift! Also among my blessings is that I am fortunate enough to have excellent medical insurance. So...another great gift. There's still more, treatment was effective and completed with out difficult side effects. My treatment was scheduled far enough in advance to allow me to choose my time: "11:00" and that was my time everyday so I could easily establish a routine.  "Want to meet for lunch? Sure I can do that." 😃                                YES, I'M GRATEFUL! 

Takk for alt,


                     Guess where this random picture was taken.

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