Sunday, January 1, 2012

No wonder I didn't like it!

Much of Thai food is wonderfully good. Part of the adventure of living with a family is eating what they eat minus my peculiar restrictions; no fish, cucumbers or extremely spicy food. At the table Max loads our plates with rice and then we take food from the other bowls on the table to eat with our rice. Last night there was something dark and gelatinous in the pork soup which I didn't like. The soup appeared again this morning and now with Poo, the 20 something daughter home from the temple, I asked her what it was. She answered in Thai, picked up the Thai English dictionary and translated "pig's blood." OK...I don't need to do that again, though the soup was good.
I've started keeping a notebook with me at the table to record the dishes I really like. Then when in a Thai place in America I'll know what to order.

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