Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Kaia can tell time.

     Kaia, the wonder dog, has a good internal clock. She gets two feeding a day. The first is shortly after arising in the morning. The second feeding is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. There's a reason for saying "scheduled". Anytime after 4:00 p.m., she lays her head in my lap to say "You can feed me anytime now."  How do dogs tell time? Perhaps the same way that I do. Not needing an alarm clock I wake up the time I've predetermined. How do I do that?  Just the function of an internal clock but I don't understand it.

     She's ready to hunt anything that moves. Loving to flush blackbirds, robins and doves she races them as they fly. Now robins and blackbirds have moved on. Last night she was chasing something around the living room. Going to investigate I discovered she was pursuing a large cricket. We both await pheasant season which opens October 16. It will be the opportunity for many walks in the field. 

Takk for alt,


                                                               Kaia's pose while I eat.

1 comment:

Peter said...

You realize she is coming to you an hour early so that once she has trained you to feed her then, she can push for another hour early, then another... until she has gone all the way around teh clock and gotten a whole extra meal! Dogs have be patient, too. ;->