Monday, March 8, 2021

Red letter day!

       Two packages awaited me at the post office today. It took only 10 days for my repaired hearing aid to return! Without it, telephone conversations were less satisfying because the sound came only to one ear. It also made listening to music, or the sound on Zoom, problematic. It had to be reprogrammed to sync with my phone. When I was not up to the task I got the best, most patient, service tech on the phone. With her help if feels as if life has returned. Phone conversations are my link to the network of family and friends.        

    The second package was from LSS of South Dakota. It contained thank you gifts for both me and Kaia. Now, how would LSS know about Kaia? Included in the package was a lovely letter from the LSS staffer, Sara, who had mailed it. She said that and her family had been re-settled in America, likely as refugees, by LSS! This was in 1997, and now she works for LSS 😀. So how did she know about Kaia? She found my blog on Google and has been following it. How delightful!

     There is so much for which I am grateful...yes indeed!



1 comment:

damjy said...

I am so happy to hear that my package made its way to you, Al! I had to make sure that Kaia felt included. 😊 Your post has put a big smile on my face. Thank you!