Friday, January 24, 2020

A bit of humor

    Many of you know that my lack of adult supervision caused a bit of a situation last year. You may remember I was scheduled to fly from Bangkok to Melbourne. When I presented myself at the Thai Airway desk to check in for my flight the woman at the desk said "Your flight left yesterday." Now, that's not exactly the greeting I was hoping for. Unfortunately it inconvenienced my friend who was waiting at the airport in Melbourne and caused a bit of anxiety for my family when they couldn't reach me. Thai Airways was very helpful and put me on the flight leaving the that evening. The confusion came when I mistook the minute one day switched to the next. My flight was schedule to depart at 00:05 hours.
    So now to this year. Taxi's can be arranged at the desk of the Christian Guesthouse. Wanting to schedule one for noon and, wanting to be clear it was not for midnight, I wrote "Noon" in the blank for the time I wanted the taxi. Perhaps Thai don't do noon? The desk clerk looked at the form and said "Noon?"  "Yes," I said, "12:00 noon, not 12:00 midnight."  After several tries at explanation I crossed out "noon" and wrote 11:59 a.m. That seemed to end the issue but it wasn't over. Later, as I passed the desk another attendant asked "When do you want a taxi?"  In the end it all worked as the taxi appeared when I wanted it.

   Tomorrow is a mystery day which begins with breakfast at 6:30 a.m., and I'll be away from my computer all day, thus I'm posting this now. A later date I'll give a full report on the day.

Takk for alt,


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