Sunday, February 17, 2019

2/17/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — a minute ago
   Friday as we were leaving for school I noticed one of tires on the car was under-inflated so we stopped to add air.  It continued to lose air so after I was retrieved from the mini-bus on my return from Bangkok today we stopped to have it repaired.  The shop was tiny and the young man operating left off repairing a small motorcycle to fix the tire.  He had a modern machine to remove the tire from the rim, removed a screw from the face of the tire which caused the leak, fixed the leak remounted and replaced the tire.  The charge was the equivalent of $3.00 and we were on our way and this was Sunday afternoon.  The constructions sites I passed in Bangkok today were all active.  Many people work seven days a week and white collar workers work six. I'll include some pictures from the shop.
   Poo is a university graduate in IT.  Currently she's working for a large Malaysian auto parts manufacturer where she does the payroll.  Her bosses are a Malaysian couple, whom she likes, who do not speak Thai so they supervise in English.  Fortunately Poo's English is quite good and if it wasn't she would not qualify for her job.
   Tee shirts advertise the ubiquitousness of English.  Virtually all the tee shirts, whether worn by Thai, Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc. have English inscriptions.  One tee shirt I saw said "Norway" in English and the wearer was speaking Norwegian.  Never do I see Thai, German, French, Japanese, etc. on anyone's chest.  Occasionally I'll see a very proper looking Thai wearing a shirt with something obscene in English and I assume they have no clue.  Perhaps the funniest was on my first trip to Cambodia when I saw a young man wearing a shirt that said "DEATH TO YUPPIE SCUM."  



Pictures: Bird nest in tire shop, tire machine, motorcycle repair, selfie with 4th graders.

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