Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Different, Yes.......

"Grief never ends… But it changes.
It’s a passage, not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…
It is the price of love."

Now as I approach 16 months in the land of grief, I can certainly see that grief changes.  The pain is not as intense; more an ache, a hollow, an emptiness than the searing pain it was at first. There is so much, so often, that I'd like to tell. Likewise there is so much, so often, I'd like to ask.  Some of what I suffer is regret, both for that which was not asked, and for what I've forgotten...those details of things she told me which I no longer remember. Now, for so much of it, there is no one to ask.  Maybe it shouldn't matter but it does to me and haunts me in the life I now lead.

Well, enough about grief.  The last two days have provided good opportunity for time in the field. Trygve found a big mud puddle in which to play this morning.  Lots of flowers and many butterflies busy with them. The grassland burned this spring is now lush with big blue stem grass over 6' tall.  That grass certainly responds to fire. Nestled among the grass is a bumper crop of milkweed...go Monarchs!
Hay bales on grassland (not the one that was burned.)

Hostas in front of The Little House

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