Thursday, August 22, 2019

Chickens like cucumbers.

    Some have accused me of being a picky eater. My take is that I have discriminating tastes.😉 Not liking seafood, though I can eat fish sticks with enough tarter sauce, I announced to the family in Thailand, with whom I've lived for ten years, that dislike at the beginning  of my stay.  I didn't want to be served fish, then have to tell that I didn't like it, so I headed off that scenario. However, there was the time that Met brought home a mess of fresh calamari thinking it was "fish" I didn't like. 🙂 They enjoyed the calamari.
     Do you wonder where this is going?  In today's Taste section of the STRIB there was an article about cucumbers and what to do if you have surplus. (Pickle them) Now cucumbers are among the foods for which I have an intense dislike, except for dill pickles. But my dislike is not the point...memories of cucumbers came back to me.
    Many years ago, neighbors of The Little House On The Prairie tried raising cucumbers commercially.  This was when I was resident far from the Little House so my information is only anecdotal and its accuracy may be questioned. It seems they quickly learned that an acre is a lot of cucumber vines. Another learning was that the vines grow close to the ground while the human being tends to operate a bit higher. Then there was the fact that the commercial buyer wanted little cucumbers, perhaps the size of a little finger.  It was a brief endeavor.
     Going further back in history to my childhood, there are memories of my father's gardens. It was highly unusual that a farmer would have a vegetable garden; that was consider women's work. But, every year Dad planted a large vegetable garden. Mother, and we children, were "welcome" to pull weeds.
    When the cucumber production ran ahead of harvest our chickens were the happy recipients of the surplus;. did you know that chickens like cucumbers?  If not, that's your lesson for today. Joanne loved them so I happy shared mine with her. She was not a picky eater.

Takk for alt,


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