Friday, May 4, 2018

Survivor's guilt? Grief?

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — 22 hours ago
       Spring is suddenly bursting out just a couple of weeks after our biggest snow storm of the season.  The grass is green, flowers poking out, birds nesting it all struck me with the joy of spring.  
Then it hit me...Joanne isn't here with me to enjoy it! As the emotions welled up in me I wondered, is that guilt that I get to enjoy it, mixed in with my grief. It just doesn't seem fair that, after another long winter, she's not here for the bloom of  spring.
        Three weeks ago today she died, peacefully, without pain, at home and without pain. She hoped to die quickly and she did...23 days in hospice care.  A good woman who died a good death  O how I miss her!



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