Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Caring Bridge 5/23/2018

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — 10 minutes ago
    It seems I'm always aware of absence.  What differs is the intensity of that absence.  Recounting Joanne last days, her death, funeral and burial with my spiritual director, brought more tears than I've shed in many days.  Much of the emotion was in the recounting of all the blessings that came in Joanne's last days; the choir coming twice to sing, pastoral visits and the blessing of the body, Joanne's participation in our Easter/her birthday dinner, the cards, letters, visits.  Remembering how Joanne's needs were met by being home, not lingering, almost pain free and dying peacefully surrounded by her family, is a great comfort.
    Other times absence is less sharp while always present.  It is comforting to be with people who knew and loved her and who are willing to speak her name.  Yes, I am blessed for which I am deeply grateful.



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