Tuesday, May 8, 2018

1960 Renault

     It is not clear if that Renault, Joanne bought in Norway, and drove around Europe was new or used?  Any Gentle Reader know the answer?  She had it shipped to New York, and her college roommate, Jenine, met her there and they drove it back to Minnesota.  Joanne told of having a front tire blow out as she was crossing a narrow bridge...I think in South Dakota.
     One of her favorite stories about the Renault involved getting her South Dakota driver's license.  After Norway and the European tour she settled at Augustana Academy, Canton, S.D.  To obtain that South Dakota license she went to Sioux Falls, for the driving test.  In 1960 there were not many small cars on the road in South Dakota. The official giving her the driving test was a large man who detested small cars.  Initially the testing went well, until she turned onto a one-way street and proudly drove it in the wrong direction.  Regardless of this infraction the tester gave her a pass on her exam. Joanne always assumed she was approved because the tester did not want to ride in the Renault again.
      The Renault was traded in on a 1962 Chevy II, which was the car Joanne was driving when I came into her life in 1963.  Her brother, Mark, had a couple of adventures with that car, but, that's another matter.



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