Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Caring Bridge 5/21/2018

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — 23 hours ago
     The setting was spectacular, the food was sumptuous, the conversation scintillating and the people were four of our dear friends at dinner tonight.  Conversation ranged far and wide, fascinating stories were told, personal things were shared and Joanne was remembered.  It is deeply comforting to be with people who knew and loved Joanne.  Remembering her with others who knew her is life giving to me.
     Gentle readers, when you're with the bereaved don't hesitate to talk about the deceased.  Don't avoid mentioning the name and telling stories.  The bereaved person is likely pondering the presence of absence and would find comfort in knowing about others experience of the beloved.  It may be emotional to talk and hear about the one absent but it is good emotion that brings healing and peace.
     While still deep in my grief I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who care.  Yes, that caring is truly life giving.



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