Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Caring Bridge 5/20/2018

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — May 20, 2018
There are funny little things about learning to live alone.  When I come home to a light that was left on, there is no debate about, 'who did it'.  Our default in the past was to blame Trygve (the dog). Now it's, "huh, look what I did."  With only Trygve and me here, why do I close the bathroom door?
     Then, there is the matter of proper attire...you know, what colors complement, which patterns can be worn together, etc.  Having the common male issue around the distinction between shades of green and blue, I now have no consultant.  No one says to me "We don't wear that tie with that..."  What's this "we" business, I used to think,but usually didn't say. "You're not wearing that are you?"  "Well of course not, I just planned to wear it for ten minutes before we left" was a thought better unsaid.  So here I am, without adult supervision...a reality that gives my children pause.
     Which brings us to today, when I proudly wore a Singha Beer, tee shirt, from Thailand, to church.  No one stopped me at the door with a rhetorical question about sartorial choice.  This may well have been the only time in my life I went to Sunday Service in a tee shirt.  Now, before any gentle reader who has 'fashion police' tendencies gets wrought up, I should explain.  Today, being Pentecost it was appropriate to wear red.  The only item of red clothes I own in that tee shirt and, I did wear it under a sport coat.
     What would Joanne say? Maybe, "O that Al" with a smile and shrug of her shoulders.



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