Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Caring Bridge 5/17/2018

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — May 17, 2018
     That often used defense among siblings, "she/he started it", would also be a good summary of Joanne's life.  She was always starting things.  In our Mohall years, '68-'75, there were many children in our neighborhood.  With two of our own and a large recreation room often there were  many children in our house.  Joanne saw opportunity in this situation.
    Do  you want to guess what she did?  She convened a number of mothers, and with her leadership, they organized a day care.  Happy Day Care was formed and still operates today.  Push back?  Yes. there was plenty. Some even suggested it was Communism.  Others thought that mothers should just stay home.  You know the drill.  Nevertheless she persisted.  If my memory serves me, Ruby Walters was the first director.
   If I'd been more prescient I may have realized that it was in her nature to lead and that leading often meant starting new things.  Recognize a need, take action to meet that need, and start what needs to be started, was her way.  She's my loss, but much more that that, she's the world's loss.
   There is a way that I'd like to emulate her.  Perhaps with some effort and practice I can learn to be as grateful as she was. It is a worthy goal.


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