Tuesday, May 21, 2024

As forecast....

      The weather forecast was for rain last night and today. Indeed it rained, the kind of rain that does the most good. My rain gauges showed 1.5" over the last 12 hours. Perhaps that's about a perfect amount and coming over several hours does the most good.  Could soil absorb more than that?  It's questionable. Crops, pastures, hay fields and trees all celebrate. 

     There must be a powerful low front off to the southeast.  The wind is howling here, from the northwest, with gusts into the 40s. Here's hoping that no one is suffering hard weather.

     For the second time this week, Josh who lives next door is sending dinner to me. Sunday night it was a meal of ribeye steaks  Tonight it will be chicken fettucine. Yes, he's a great neighbor and I'm grateful. 

Takk for alt,


                             Sunday's dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, it's not notorious "Sinai resident" Justin who has been in the news.