Sunday, May 12, 2024

Book Report!


      The book of this report is Rules Of Civility, by Amor Towles. The title comes from a book by the Young George Washington Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company And Conversation, which features prominently in Towles' novel. There are 110 rules such as: "1st    Every Action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are Present."  A character in the book suggests these rules are a form of "how to win friends and influence people." 

    This book, Towle's first novel, has been around awhile, copyrighted in 2011.  Many have read his A Gentleman in Moscow, and I recently reported on his The Lincoln Highway. In Rules the narrator is a woman, with most of the action set in New York City in 1938. There were only a few places where it seemed a bit of a stretch that a woman would think or act like that. His subsequent novels have been largely in the masculine voice. He certainly tells a good story evidenced by this being a New York Times Bestseller.

    Prior to writing Towles was an investment banker who was educated at Yale and Stanford. Rules travels much around high society in New York and he seems to be familiar with that world. The crisis of the book revolves around the question of moral character, particularly focused on one person. Redemption takes and interesting turn.

    It's easy to recommend this as its a delightful read.

Takk for alt,


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