Saturday, May 18, 2024

While waiting for tire repair...

    There was a six day wait for tire repair. I called for repair Thursday afternoon and repair was complete Wednesday afternoon. Reading was a good pastime during the wait and the book I chose had a fascinating epigraph: "Can't Leave Until The Dog Dies." I'm late unto this author as this is her 20th book! Yet. it's the first of hers that I have read.  It's not a new on either, copyrighted in 2015.

   The book in question is A Spool Of Blue Thread, by Annie Tyler.  Reading the notes included with the book tells that her books focus on relationships, which is true of Thread.  With an interest is family systems and, with a good story teller, it was an enjoyable read.  

    The extended family in the book need to deal with parents who are aging but resisting relocating out of their house  Red's sister in conversation with her aging brother; "'We're to independent for a retirement community' Red told her.  'Independent? Bosh. That's just another word for selfish. It's stiff-backed people like you who end up being the biggest burdens."'  P. 132  Yup. the old person's fetish "I'm going to die in my house." 

    Likely I'll read more of Tyler, this one was a New York Times bestseller.

Takk for alt,


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