Thursday, May 30, 2024

Good Neighbors!

      About nine o'clock last night my neighbor, Josh the cook, texted me. "The ventilator on your roof is askew."  The Little House has two vents that access the attic.  They are the kind that have a whirly gig on top that spins with the wind. Sure enough the west one's top was half off. Josh again, "I'll call Montana." Montana is the neighbor next over.

    A few minutes later Montana calls me; "I fixed the west ventilator, it just need a screw. But, the top of the east ventilator is totally gone, have you seen it?"  No, I hadn't seen it. Montana again: "I'll seal the opening to protect the house from rain."  (It did rain today.)  Then my phone's text notification sounds. It's a text from Montana with the description of the missing part available at Lowes in Brookings.

   This entire process took less that thirty minutes. At least one reader will be pleased to know that I don't climb on roofs anymore.  After I've been to Lowes for the needed part Montana will affix it. Wow! Such helpful neighbors!  Yes, I'm grateful!

    Sixty years ago this weekend I graduated from Augustana College (now University) with a BA in History. Graduation was on Sunday, six days later, on Saturday, Joanne and I were married. The wedding was at First Lutheran in Sioux Falls. If these things transpired 60 years ago I most be as old as dirt!

Takk for alt,


At Home Far Away: Alumnus-Founded Norwegian Church to Host Augustana Homecoming Worship Service

In September 2023, Augustana celebrated 100 years of homecoming on campus. At the end of May, Augustana will bring the celebration to Oslo. From Friday, May 31-Sunday, June 2, AU alumni, staff and friends will gather in Norway’s capital to celebrate community, alumni achievement and tradition — including a special worship service. 

     Joanne's parent's, Rev. Oscar and Myrtle Hanson, and Joanne, founded this congregation.

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