Sunday, May 19, 2024


      Yesterday was corn planting day, and it was successfully completed. As I write this it is raining so an ideal situation subsequent to planting. For some mysterious reason sixty five pound bags of corn are more difficult to lift to the six foot high tractor fender. Aren't weights stable?  May 18, is a good date for corn planting though the corn in most of the surrounding fields has already emerged. May is plenty early for wildlife plantings. Had not there been tire issues planting would have been a few days earlier.

    One food plot remains to be seeded. That will be planted to sorghum and brood mix. The brook mix attracts insects on which pheasant chicks feed for their necessary protein. The sorghum is good winter feed for the pheasants. Given a choice I think pheasants would choose sorghum over corn. 

Takk for alt


                                  Ultra modern equipment!😁

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