Tuesday, May 28, 2024


         Routine is a friend that makes life manageable. Kaia spent the time I was gone at doggy camp, aka dog kennel in Brookings. She emerged yesterday, overjoyed to see me, but, apparently no worse for the wear. Back at The Little House we quickly resumed our routine. After her days at camp I made sure to give her a good run this morning, and does she love to run?  Yes!

     The corn planted some days ago has yet to emerge. Some rainy weather and cool conditions may slow its germination. When all else fails remove cedar trees from the road ditch.  Even spotted some hoary puccoon.  Look that up in your Funk And Wagnalls.

Takk for alt,


Lithospermum canescens, or the hoary puccoon is a perennial herb endemic to eastern North America. The plant grows in a variety of habitats. It has golden yellow flowers which bloom from April to May. Wikipedia

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