Monday, May 27, 2024

The Little House

      My car has travelled 1496 miles since I left Sinai last Wednesday. It was in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa in addition to South Dakota. The trip was made with out incident and for many of those miles I was comfortably ensconced in the back seat. Chauffeured travel is very nice.  We were blessed with a trip without incident.

     The Little House was a welcome sight after all those miles. Three nights in the OFH, one going and two returning, and two nights in a motel.  Am I home? or, is the OFH home?  Perhaps the answer is "Yes".  Is it possible to have two homes, or, does home imply singular?  Clearly I have two residences.  Such large issues with which I wrestle, or rassle 😃.

Takk for alt,


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