Thursday, May 9, 2024

""A sower went out to sow..."

        Well not a sower yet,  but, a man went out to plow (or plough as the English would spell it.) So why did he not plow/plough?  Because a few miles down the road, and still short of the field, a tractor tire went flat. Imagine a tire made in 1976 not holding air? Well, that sound was air escaping the tire. So a rendezvous with the mobile tire repair person and his truck awaits. Will they arrive tomorrow and if not do they work Saturdays? Time will tell and the man waits more or less patiently. 

    A nice farmhand from South Africa provided a ride to a nearby farm where a farmer gave the man a ride back to town. Had the South African not happened by the man was about to call the local banker for a ride. Next time. 

    That's the story by which the man abides.

Takk for alt,


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