Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My First Evaluation

   Now, in my 9th year of teaching in Thailand, I'm usually the only adult in the room.  On a few occasions a teacher has stayed and participated in the lesson.  A few have stayed at their desk while totally ignoring me.  Most leave once I enter the room.  The 4th grade class is difficult to manage so I have asked that teacher to remain while I teach tomorrow.  But, today was a first.
   For the first time a principal visited my class and....she stayed for the whole hour.  Even better she assumed the role of a student and participated in the lesson as a student.  It was the 5th grade, which has some very good students, which made us all look good.  With her presence they were all on good behavior, too.
   She asked me later if she could post pictures on Facebook saying that it was fun and educational. So, I guess I passed the evaluation.  She regularly seeks me out for conversation.  Our interactions will likely do as much good for English at Wat Klang as what I do in the classroom.


   Friday the upper grades will not have class.  The Buddhists will go to a temple to 'make merit' and the Muslims to a Mosque.  When I asked who made they decision to do that the principal said "I did, in consultation with the teachers."     The younger students don't go because they can't sit still.
   I've been to a temple so I'll sit this one out.
With tables available students choose to sit on the floor.

Teacher's lunch.

While I wait for a ride home students (1st grade) gather.

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