Friday, January 31, 2014

This Could End Badly!

    The coals were hot but apparently not hot enough in the street vendors grill.  She unscrewed the cap off a 2 liter water bottle and poured. FOOOM... flames leaped up from the grill from the flammable liquid she had poured on the coals.   Then she did it again.  OK this time but it could end very badly.
    The drive from between Bangkok and Ayutthaya is the arm pit of Thailand.  Much of Thailand is extraordinarily beautiful; the beaches in the south and the hill country of the northwest, but  not this stretch of road. Flat with urban sprawl and  unregulated industrial development it's not a pretty sight. However, I did see something on the drive yesterday as I traveled from Ayuttaya to Bangkok that gives me a little hope.
   Trash is everywhere thrown from vehicles into  ditches and unoccupied spaces in town. When the piles of trash get deep they are often set on fire.  But yesterday, for the first time ever, I saw a crew cleaning up a road ditch!  Is the tide turning?  Ayuttaya also seems a little cleaner.  All the king would have to do is say a word and the country would respond.    

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