Wednesday, February 18, 2009

There is hot, then there is really hot.

While I was teaching the 5th grade at 8:30 this morning I became aware my shirt was soaking wet. It then dawned on me " it is really hot" or there is something wrong with me. But I felt fine. Shandah confirmed it is really hot and then she went off to teach 1st grade in an upstairs room with no fans or open able windows. The locals are complaining about how hot it is but the students don't let it slow them down with their lunch hour games. It's probably a good thing that I don't have a thermometer. But, if you think of it, check the Bkk temperature for Wed. in your local paper.

1 comment:

Julie said...

How does 97 degrees sound? We are enjoying reading about your travels and teaching experiences!

Julie Nash