Thursday, August 1, 2024

"When farmer's eyes are smiling..."

      "When farmer's eyes are smiling" sung to the tune of "When Irish eyes are smiling."  When? When the farmer receives two inches of rain on August 1!  Yup, that's what my gauge showed. Reports from a bit east of here had 4.5", which is too much. But 2"?? Yes, just as things were beginning to look a bit dry. Soybeans are blooming and corn ears are filling. This is a great time for moisture. No storm damage here and hopefully not any anywhere.

     That dew point of 72 yesterday did make it feel as if a storm was brewing. The rain did come via a thunderstorm but here, at least, without damage. Crops, trees, pastures and other plants are happy today. That dew point reminded me of life in Thailand.

Takk for alt,


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