Thursday, August 8, 2024

Travel memories

         When I open my computer various international scenes appear. Recently the scene has been Machu Picchu in Peru. That brings back memories of a trip that Lisa and I took.

       She was in Lima on assignment so I met her there. After a few days in Lima we flew to Cusco and spent a few more days. Then we took a train from Cusco toward Machu Picchu. About three days hike from Machu Picchu we left the train to walk. Accompanied by two of Lisa's friends we made the hike to Machu Picchu using an Inca trail. That allowed us to enter the ancient place as would have the Incas.

     Many pictures of Machu Picchu show a small peak immediately adjacent to the stone works of the Incas. This peak is called Huayna Picchu.  Lisa and I also climbed to the top. Nearing the top the path led through a cave exiting which brought us to the oth

er side. It was a steep climb that took us about an hour. 

    The fun part of it all is now whenever I see a picture of Machu Picchu with Huayna in the background I think "I was up there."

Takk for alt,


     Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu in the background.

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