Saturday, August 24, 2024


     One of the best features of  the journal The Christian Century is the first page by publisher Martin Marty. In the September 2024 issue he writes "Complaining about life rarely brings satisfying results. And cynicism about the word around us is just a way of keeping distance and exempting oneself from responsibility or involvement. As poet Christian Winman put it 'Cynicism is nothing but a retreat into your own little refuge where you can point and make judgements all the while feeling a sense of superiority'....Yes might be the most powerful word in the world. It can create, build and heal. It's capacity to change hearts makes it essential to a posture of hope." P. 1

    Friday nights at the OFH a group of us gather for dinner, if I'm in town, but they go on without me. Michele, Mary, Georgia, Mona Mae, Dick and I. I'm among the younger. Dick will be 100 in September. Mona Mae turned 101 in June, though she doesn't like to talk about it.

   Last night Mona May announced "After listening to Michelle Obama say "do something" at the DNC Convention I've made a decision. "I'm going to do something, I'm going door knocking."  Her life exemplifies the YES Marty is writing about. Perhaps that positive attitude is related to her longevity! Yes lets 'do something.'

Takk for alt,


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