Friday, August 9, 2024

They're Back!

       The little pond across the street from The Little House offers wildlife viewing. There's family of ducks growing toward maturity and the ability to fly. Flocks of ducks and sea gulls have been visiting. Two great blue herons stopped by recently. Today there were at least four egrets stalking the shore.

    Seeing the egrets made me glad because they were absent all last year and this year until now. Egrets are a conservation success story. Hunting them for their plumage decimated the population. It's only in recent years that they expanded their range to this area. 

   Recently a row of cottonwood trees have sprouted on the shore. As they grow my view of the pond will be obscured,  What was the ecological reason for their sudden emergence?  Perhaps the low water of the last few years allowed the seeds to f=germinate.

Takk for alt,


              A previous view of the little pond.

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