Friday, August 16, 2024

Joy Ranch

     It's the bi-annual Bergh reunion. My grandparents, Olai & Minnie Bergh, had ten children who grew to adulthood, two died as infants. Six of those children had nineteen children, between them. Of those grandchildren of  Grandpa and Gramma six are surviving. Of the grandchildren the youngest is 85 and the oldest 99, and all have sound minds. OK, maybe you doubt that of me.

     So we're gathered at Joy Ranch NW of Watertown SD, to re-connect, share stories and celebrate our heritage. Family members have come from Seattle, AZ, Illinoi, British Columbia, Minneapolis and points closer to the Ranch. We'll be together until Sunday noon and then scatter. The youngest here, one is 4 months old, are great great grandchildren.

Takk for alt,


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