Monday, August 5, 2024


        When I shut down my tractors typically I turn off the gas first and let the carburetor run dry. Modern gasoline left too long in a carburetor turns to jelly compromising its ability. The trick is to remember to turn the ignition switch off once the tractor has stopped. Leaving the switch on runs the battery down. 

     Oops I left the switch on the other day and when I was to use the tractor the battery was DEAD! Connecting a battery charger to the battery it was so dead it wouldn't take a charge. Must I buy a new battery?  Well, let's see what happens if I leave the charger on it for awhile. After about an hour it was charging 1 amp.  A glimmer of hope!  Another 30 minutes and it was up to 3 amps. Finally after a significant amount of time the battery held a charge, it's use restored.👍  

    There is an Interstate Battery Warehouse in Arlington about 12 miles away. They sell batteries with blemished cases for half price. This has saved me significant money over the years. But today I was spared even that expense.

Takk for alt,


                              The tractor with the restored battery.

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