Saturday, August 3, 2024

Memories of Thailand

        This tropical weather we're having, 91 degrees and 72 dew point, brings back memories of Thailand. It was the end of February 2020 that I returned from my last trip there. I was scheduled to return mid-March but with all the concern about COVID, which I've still avoided, I left early to avoid the possibility of having to quarantine there. When I checked in at the airport in Bangkok to return home they asked if I'd been in China. When I deplaned in Seoul to change flights they took everyone's temperature.  Those of us with normal temperatures went right those with elevated temperatures went left.

    While I miss my time in Thailand and the people whom I know, airports and flying are too high a price to pay to return. Facebook and email helps to maintain contact with persons I know there. It was a very meaningful phase of my life.

Takk for alt,


                    With students at my school.

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