Sunday, August 18, 2024


     The family reunion came off with zero conflict and no drama. That's a testimony to our grandparents. Likely the fact that it is alcohol free is also a contributing factor. Many deep and meaningful conversations were had.

   When I was expressing some resistance to attending the reunion a friends challenged me about my attitude. She said "go with curiosity."  Taking that to heart, and with that approach, the event became deeply meaningful. It's a perfect illustration of one's attitude determining the outcome. What a gift she gave me!

   There are fascinating persons in the family. The family's Rhodes Scholar just accepted a job as the director of Blue Cross Blue Shield for California. Her husband just retired after 35 years as a correspondent for Reuters. For seven years he occupied a seat on Air Force One, while Clinton and Geo. W. Bush were the president. After that his beat was the U.S. Department of State. Another spouse is the daughter of a man who was expelled from a University in a Czechoslovakia in 1948, when the Communists took over. Stripped of his citizenship he fled to the U.S. and much later became the Czech consul for the central U.S. One attendee is a radiologist, another a psychiatrist and yet another was an Air Force Flight Surgeon. These and many others offered up fascinating conversation when approached with curiosity.

   Last night the five grandchildren of the founding Grandfather and Grandmother took turns telling stories of growing up with their parents. The succeeding generations were enthralled to hear these stories. For many of them it was their first hearing.

   Perhaps it's safe to say a good time was had by all, but for certain a good time was had by Al.

Takk for alt,


   The oldest generation at the reunion, grandchildren and spouses.              

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