Sunday, February 11, 2024

Is football moral?

     Choosing to blog on this subject on this day is deliberate. The conviction that football is immoral could be argued from many perspectives such as the massive allocation of resources. To make the case let's focus on one aspect. The gist of my argument is that the hope of fame and fortune seduces young men to risk limb and even life in its pursuit. A good friend argues that "they choose to do it." That seems specious to me as the hope of glory and fortune coupled with dishonest manipulation does not give a clear picture of the true cost.

    A few may reap fabulous financial rewards while the vast majority do not while sustaining life long injuries. There was a recent article in the Washington Post about the number of Heisman Trophy winners dying with CTE, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Had they known their fate would they have still played?  There's no way to know. During the professional football season the Minneapolis Tribune dedicates a full column to Injury Report.

   The lure of fame and fortune is very seductive. Impressionable young men dream of making it big. A few do, but they too pay a price with their bodies and too often their minds. It's heartening that at the elementary school and high school level football is waning. It can't happen too soon.

Takk for alt,


1 comment:

Sharon & Mark Stime said...

Have had very same thoughts.