Sunday, January 28, 2024

Fosse, Part III

    In case one, or both of you readers, haven't gotten your copy of Septology yet perhaps some more thoughts from the book will carry you until you have a chance to read for yourself. The main charcter, Asle, is a painter whose talents at painting were in evidence as a boy. Accepted into art school on the basis of pictures he's painted, with out graduating from Academic High School, he references an art school lesson with which he disagreed. The reflection comes later in life after he's a renowned artist able to support himself by painting.

   "when I went to the Art School they said you should never paint with black becasue black is not a colour, they said, but black, yes, how could I ever have painted my pictures without black? no, I don't understand it, becasue it's in the darkness that God lives, yes, God is darkness, and that darkness, God's darkness, yes, God is darkness, and that darkness, God's darkness, yes, that nothingness, yes, it shines, yes, it's from from God's darkness that the light comes, the invisible light,"  P. 267 

   "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it." John 1:5 NRSV That previous paragraph quoted above strikes me as riff on John 1:5. It's a thought to which he returns reflecting on the hiddenness of God. Give it some thought and I continue to encourage reading the book. More later...

Takk for alt,



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