Thursday, February 4, 2016

Neighborhood vignette.

         Well of course I'd go see what a bulldozer was doing in the neighborhood.  This development in which I live stretches about 4 blocks a long a narrow street.  Riding in a tuk-tuk on my way home from school I saw a bulldozer working on a small lot at the far end of the street.  Going to investigate I discovered that it was dirt work in preparation for the construction of a Buddhist shrine.
         Across the street from the dirt work a woman runs a small store out of her house. She and her husband, both of whom I know, were watching the bulldozer.  While I was chatting with them two children, brother and sister, perhaps 4 and 2 came to the store.  They purchased two eggs, and walking hand in hand carried them in a plastic 2 blocks home.  Such a sweet image.

Bulldozer at work.

Buying two eggs.

Walking home.

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