Friday, February 12, 2010

Budding Artists!

Thursday as I was teaching the 3rd class I wearied of doing much of the talking with these students who's English is very limited. So, as a change of pace, I asked them to draw a picture of an animal and write the name of the animal in English. I was not prepared for the result. No two were alike and the list included bear, lion, butterfly, moth, praying mantis, elephant, cat, tiger, whale, dolphin, goldfish and more.
Even more surprising than the list of animals, they did have pictures in their books, was the quality of the art work. They obviously have had some art education. Even the poorest quality picture was far better than anything I could do...yes, I know I'm not much competition. Many of them were what I'd expect from secondary school students in a drawing class and all of the animals were easily recognized from the picture. I think that I'll ask them to do that again with the understanding that I keep the pictures so I can bring them home.

An item listed on the menu where I ate today; "FRIED CHICKEN TENDON". I didn't try them.

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