Thursday, July 21, 2022


      Pods of pelicans move around to various sloughs. They nest in colonies, where I don't know, so I never see pelican chicks. Seeing pelicans always makes me happy especially with their circling, gliding flight. Snowy egrets and great blue heron stalk the shallows hunting frogs. A young mink crossed the road in front of me. That brought back the memory of seeing a mink cross the road in Thailand when I was riding the back of a motorcycle on my way to school. No, I did not see the mink on the way to school. 😁 A single seagull was swimming in a small pond. Four small coons were wading in the shallows of a slough. An occasional monarch butterfly wings past. Striped gophers, 13 lined ground squirrels, whistle their alarm in the cemetery. Kaia pokes her nose in their burrow but doesn't dig. The "dead" garter snake I went to move to a gopher burrow rapidly moved there on its own. Killdeer, an upland plover, are ubiquitous on gravel roads. Two tiny, fuzz ball, baby killdeer run rapidly on their long legs to keep up with mama. Mama does her broken wing stunt to lead me away from them. Turtles have finished egg laying so they're not stopped in the middle of the road contemplating suicide. Fawn are old enough to have outgrown their spots. Geese and ducks are in their annual molt so are reclusive until they can fly again. Birds have finished nesting in the spruce trees surrounding the cemetery so they no longer scold as we walk.

     This is the report of neighbors at midsummer.

Takk for alt,


Wat Chaiwatthanaram, one of the temples I passed going and returning from school in Thailand. 

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