Tuesday, March 10, 2009

As good as a trip to the gym!

It's not easy, bionic knees and back, now her left arm velcro-ed to her side. Perhaps a recliner might be a good investment as a place to rest and read. Off we trundled through the snow to a furniture store. Have you been in one lately? They're about the size of the north pasture on the farm where I grew up. Wandering through the store looking for chairs ambivalence surged within me; do I want a salesperson or don't I? The right one could be helpful but get the wrong one and I'd rather deal with a bumble bee. We found a cow yard's worth of recliners and began the sit, recline, get up routine. A couple of salesmen wandered through, answered a couple of questions and told us where we could find them. We were teetering on the brink of exhaustion when a saleswoman, "I'm an interior decorator" pounced. "This is most attractive one in the store." Never mind that it was gold and orange...well truth be told it was brown leather...exhaustion drove us back into the snowstorm for the trip home without a chair. It was an eye opening experience for me. I never imagined there could be so many from which to choose. How many choices are needed? Stay tuned to see if there is a recliner in our future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can identify -- suffered some serious consumption paralysis on our first trip to Babies R Hell... we delegated the selection of the dishwasher basket (to contain little bottle parts) to Lisa. There were at least a half dozen to choose from.