Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran' Day!

      Armistice Day, that's what my parents always called this day. "Every veteran is a patriot" I heard at Veteran's Day program. When I heard that I thought back to my days in the Marines. There was Rocky Slater who was given a choice "enlist or go to jail" how patriotic was that? There was Sgt. Madison who got busted to PFC for cheating the government by saying he was living off base while he wasn't. When we pulled anchor in Hong Kong there were Marine's who went AWOL and the ship left with out them. In reality veterans are a mixed lot.

     It's become the fad now to say "thank you for your service." Much more helpful would be the re-installation of the draft. The all-volunteer military service falls too heavily on one cohort. A draft would spread that responsibility more equitably. The draft is also a good brake on military adventures if decision makers have offspring serving in the military.

    Of course many have nobly served and great numbers have given their lives, bodies and minds. These should be honored and remembered with our gratitude.Some make call them foolish or suckers but we owe them our place in the world.

Takk for alt,


                                                                Semper Fidelis. (Somewhere on Okinawa.)
                                                             The Little House this morning.

1 comment:

Marilyn Sharpe said...

I would prefer to see a year of national service. I wonder how this might change the polarization in our country and give us all a sense of investment in the outcome of all we commit to do.